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New Year - New H.O.P.E.

Jan 02, 2021

“Hope is a start.  But…hope needs action to win victories.”

                                                                      - David J. Schwartz


A new year is upon us.  I don’t know about you, but I am very happy that 2021 has arrived. 


Recently, I was speaking to one of my coaching clients and shared with him that I am usually not overly excited about the beginning of a new year, but this year I certainly am.


It is an understatement to say that 2020 has been a difficult year for all of us, and I am personally filled with hope for what lies ahead for the upcoming year.


Hope can serve as an incredibly powerful force in getting us moving and breaking through the barriers we face in difficult times.  It is also true that having a vision...

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4 Keys to Dreaming B.I.G. So You Can Create What You Want in 2021

Dec 27, 2020

Most dying people regret not the things they did but the things they didn’t do.”

                                                                                           – Olga Rickards


If you are like me, the end of the year is a time of reflection of what was completed and experienced over the past 12 months and what is to be pursued and created in the upcoming year.


Many times, the pursuits we are inspired to embark upon in the new year get quickly put to rest by our fear of possible failure. 


This is especially true when we have the “evidence” of our past to rationalize our not taking risks, particularly when we have experienced challenges like we have faced most recently in 2020.  It...

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5 Gifts to Give This Holiday Season That You Can't Buy on Amazon

Dec 20, 2020

"We make a living by what we get.  We make a life by what we give."

                                                                                - Winston Churchill


To say that 2020 has been a challenging year and that this year's holiday season will be much different from what most of us are used to, is indeed an understatement.


The holidays are usually marked with hustle and bustle of year-end activities.  In past years, our calendars filled up with events, parties and gift-giving functions, celebrating family and friends. 


For many of us, that will not be the case this year.  In an effort to keep each other safe and healthy, we will be spending the holidays in smaller groups or even without the direct contact with those we love, using Zoom...

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She Walked 500 Miles to Finally Tell Her Mom "I Love You"

Dec 12, 2020

“It is solved by walking.”

                                                                            - St. Augustine

In May 2014, I undertook one of the most amazing experiences in my life as I walked the Camino de Santiago


The Camino or The Way as it is known, is a 500-mile pilgrimage across northern Spain.  My trek began in the town of St. Jean-Pied du Port in western France, ascended into the Pyrenees Mountains and then descended into Spain where I would spend the next month trekking 17-18 miles per day across the beautiful Spanish countryside to my ultimate destination, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.


Legend has it that the Camino began in the 9th Century as a way for early Christians to pay penance for their misdeeds...

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Domino Chain Reaction

Dec 04, 2020

"Don't ever doubt that one small single event can trigger an unstoppable chain of events that gain momentum with increasing force, and nothing is ever the same."

                                                                                                 - [email protected]

One of the vivid memories I have of my Grandma Natzke, as I was growing up, was her joy of playing the game dominoes.  During the course of my childhood, she attempted to teach me several times how to play.  Although I never acquired her love of the game (nor do I think I remember how to play it), each time I see someone play or speak about dominoes, I get a warm memory of my grandmother.


Several years ago, I was introduced to a video on You...

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Fall Down 7 Times, Get Up 8 (and have a little laugh along the way)

Nov 27, 2020

"Fall down seven times, get up eight (and have a laugh along the way)" 

                                                 - Ancient Japanese proverb (with an addition by me)


I was recently reminded of a story I wrote about in my book, Black Belt Leadership several years ago.  


This story was initially intended to share a memorable personal story about parenthood.  However, after some reflection, I believe it can also serve us all as we explore our personal path of life-leadership and our in our quest to effectively, compassionately and courageously lead others.




When I first moved to Colorado several years ago, I decided to take up skiing for the first time.  Being an athlete and growing up in the Midwest, I had avoided skiing because of the potential of injury...

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Are You Taking Things FOR Granted, or AS Granted?

Nov 21, 2020

“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions.  The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.”

                                                                                           -  Zig Ziglar


Thanksgiving 2020 will soon be upon us. 


It is certainly an understatement to say that 2020 has been an unusual, and in many cases, a very challenging year.


With the COVID-19 pandemic spreading at a rapid rate across our country, it is causing many of us to celebrate this year’s Thanksgiving in a limited and very different way from how we have done in the past.


For me, this the first year that I can remember that I won’t...

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Who are you REALLY in competition with?

Nov 15, 2020

“The biggest competition is myself. I am not looking to follow others or pull them down. I'm planning to test my own boundaries.”

                                                                   Rain, South Korean singer, songwriter


About 4 years into the owning of my martial arts studio, I experienced, what I felt at the time was a true business crisis. 


One evening, a friend and fellow martial arts instructor called me to tell me had a received a promotional fax (yes, this story happened a while ago) announcing the opening of a competitive martial arts school just a mile east of my school’s location. 


Not only was this a competitive school, but it was part of the largest, most successful martial arts school chain not only in Denver, but in the entire country.


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Leadership is a Big Door That Swings on the Small Hinge of Character (Part 2)

Nov 08, 2020

“Leadership ………. is like a big door that swings.  But that big door of leadership swings on the small hinge of character.”

                                                                           - Admiral James Stavridis (Ret.)


Last week I shared with you part one of a two-part mini-series on leadership and the outstanding quote above by Admiral James Stavidis (Ret.)


In part one, we discussed the first 5 of nine attributes on character in leadership that I created as the acronym C.H.A.R.A.C.T.E.R.  These were:


CCommitment to Serve, HHonor Your Word, AAttainment = Accomplishment + Becoming, RRise to the Occasion and A#2Admit and Own Your Mistakes and Move to Correct Them



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Leadership is a Big Door That Swings on the Small Hinge of Character (Part 1)

Oct 30, 2020

“Leadership ………. is like a big door that swings.  But that big door of leadership swings on the small hinge of character.”

                                                                                 - Admiral James Stavridis (Ret.)


Last year at this time, I was listening to an interview with Retired Admiral James Stavridis, who was out promoting his new book on leadership, Sailing True North: Ten Admirals and the Voyage of Character.   


I have to admit, I was half-listening to the interview while I was working out, when the admiral said something and made me immediately stop and go running for a pen and paper to write it down when he shared,


“Leadership is how we influence others.  It is like...

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