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Who are you REALLY in competition with?

Oct 15, 2024

The biggest competition is myself. I am not looking to follow others or pull them down. I'm planning to test my own boundaries.”

                                                                   Rain, South Korean singer, songwriter


About 4 years into the owning of my martial arts studio, I experienced, what I felt at the time was a true business crisis. 


One evening, a friend and fellow martial arts instructor called me to tell me had a received a promotional fax (yes, this story happened a while ago) announcing the opening of a competitive martial arts school just a mile east of my school’s location. 


Not only was this a competitive school, but it was part of the largest, most successful martial arts school chain not only in Denver, but in the entire country.



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It's Not About Closing, It's About Connecting

Oct 08, 2024

"People don’t buy because what you do is awesome. People buy because it makes them feel awesome."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        – Tara Gentile ...

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Luck is when Preparation meets Opportunity

Sep 30, 2024

"Luck is when preparation meets opportunity" 

                                                                          - Seneca

It is the fall of 1980; my high school football team is preparing to take on one of our arch-rivals.  Both teams are 6-0 and whoever wins the game is in the driver's seat for the conference championship - and we've got them at our home stadium.  



It's minutes before kickoff and my teammates and I are high up above the playing field in an area of the stadium called the team room



It is a small, dark and cramped room where all 45 of my teammates and I are quietly making our final mental preparations for the big game. 



It is so quiet you can hear a pin drop as players are either silently sitting...

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Are You a Worrier or a Warrior?

Sep 24, 2024

"I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened."

                                                                                                - Mark Twain


In his landmark book, The Worry Cure, Dr. Robert Leahy, after studying scores of subjects, determined 97% of the things we worry about either never happen or when they do, they are not as bad as we anticipated. 


Imagine how you would live your life if you knew this to be true.


Despite this fact, many of us still can be consumed by worry, preventing us from being in our most optimum state and/or taking the action necessary to live the empowered and prosperous lives we desire and deserve. ...

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Excellence vs. Perfection

Sep 14, 2024

“Perfectionism is focused on ‘doing the thing right’, how things APPEAR, and if OTHERS think it’s done right.  Excellence is about ‘doing the right thing’. It is focused on the REASON for a task, and the RESULTS for it to be a success.”

                                                                                                          - Marc Winn


Question:  "What's our goal?"


Answer:  "Black Belt Excellence, sir!"


For the past two decades, I have ended every martial arts class I have taught; whether it was with a group of White Belt kids or a class of seasoned adult Black Belt instructors with the question and subsequent response...

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The 1% Solution to Getting Out of Comfort Zones

Aug 25, 2024

"Gritty people train at the edge of their comfort zone. They zero in on one narrow aspect of their performance and set a stretch goal to improve it." 

                                                                                      - Angela Duckworth


Comfort Zones.  How many times have you heard you need to get out of your comfort zone(s) to achieve the results you desire? 


Authors, coaches and teachers have told us for decades that in order to really realize our dreams, we need to go beyond our comfort zones.


I totally agree. 


In fact, when I think of my own life and when I experienced my greatest results and feelings of satisfaction, it was always preceded with moving out of one of my comfort...

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Are You Too Busy?

Aug 20, 2024

No matter how busy a man is, he is never too busy to stop and talk about how busy he is.”

                                                                                         - SearchQuotes.com




When you think about it, it has really become an obsession for us in our culture - a badge of honor, so to speak. 


The next time you are in a conversation with a friend or business associate, be aware of how many times the conversation begins or includes your expression of how busy you are.  


Busy-ness can become a driving force in our lives, particularly when we identify with it strongly or allow it to dictate how we show up in our professional and personal relationships.


Interestingly enough,...

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There are a lot of men hurting out there

Aug 13, 2024

“No one can do it for you, but you can’t do it alone.”

                                                    - Anonymous


There are a lot of men hurting out there.


The issues impacting men are numerous.  These include, but are not limited to relational, emotional, financial and career pressures all while struggling to understand what it truly means to be a man in today’s world. 


The root cause of these challenges often begins early in life during boyhood and get buried rather than expressed.  Most young men are discouraged from asking for help and encouraged to push through and take care if it themselves as “real men don’t ask for help.” 


The negative impact of this norm is that as men develop, their problems and issues continue to go unnoticed or untreated and...

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"How Do I Do It?" vs. "Can I Do It?"

Aug 03, 2024

“(A) process orientation (versus outcome orientation) . . . asks ‘How do I do it?’ instead of ‘Can I do it?’ and this directs attention toward defining the steps that are necessary on the way. This orientation can be characterized in terms of the guiding principle that there are no failures, only ineffective solutions.”

                                                                                       - Ellen Langer, Mindfulness


Think of the last time you faced a major challenge in your life.  You may be at that place right now as you read this. 


How many times are we caught up in the mind game of whether we can successfully tackle a challenging situation?  Our minds can go in all types of...

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The "3 C's" to Creating Breakthroughs in Your Life (Part 3)

Jul 26, 2024

“You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.”

                                                                            - Carl Gustav Jung


Welcome to the final installment of our three-part series entitled, “The 3 C’s of Creating Breakthroughs.”


In our first segment, I discussed “C number one” which is to Clarify Your Vision


Last week I discussed the “Second C” of Creating Your Plan, which comprised of the following four elements. 

  • Begin with the end in mind – then break it down
  • Identifying who can hold you capable in breaking through
  • What obstacles to you need to plan for? And…
  • What celebration will you take part in when you achieve...
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