“What you focus on grows, what you think about expands, and what you dwell upon determines your destiny.”
- Robin Sharma
Champions, whether it be in sports, business or in life, understand one very simple concept - what we focus on expands.
Think about a vision you have for your life and/or your business. When you focus on the things that empower you on your journey to achieving your dream, the things that excite you and feed your soul on your quest, you usually experience people or circumstances that support you on your path.
Conversely, when you just focus on the challenges of your situation and the obstacles you encounter while on your quest, you probably see more of those situations show up.
To be clear, I am not advocating we put our "heads in the sand" and ignore our challenges or pretend they are not there. On the contrary, I am suggesting we identify our empowering circumstances, as well as our challenges, and embrace them both by realizing how they are each there to serve us, remembering, once again, what we focus on expands.
Think of it this way. Have you ever wanted a new car? I am not talking just about one that runs, but one you really desire. So much so that you are specific on the make, model and color of a car you desire.
Once you have determined this, have you then noticed you began seeing these cars all over the road (or if not on the road, then on television, in magazines or online)?
Of course, most of us have. This phenomenon rests in the part of the brain called the Reticular Activating System (RAS).
The RAS is often compared to a nightclub bouncer that works for your brain. It ensures that your brain doesn't have to deal with more information than it can handle. Therefore, when you establish an intention, be it positive or negative, the brain filters the massive amounts of stimuli of your environment to make sure you are just focusing on what is important to you.
For example, I often tell the story to audiences of what occurred to me when I was a senior at Northwestern University where I was a student-athlete playing football.
I had been married during the summer of between my junior and senior year. One day, as I believe we were preparing to play Ohio State that Saturday, I came home to have lunch with my new bride when she gave me news that would change my life forever, when she told me,
“Guess what, we’re going to be parents!”
I responded like any 21-year-old would when I said, “YES!!!!! I’m going to be a dad!” This was followed very closely by, “Oh my God, I’m going to be a dad!!!”
When I left the house that day, what do you think I saw everywhere?
I know most of you are thinking that I began to see babies at every turn. But that’s not what I saw. What I saw everywhere were PREGANANT LADIES!!! They were waddling around all over the place. I saw one while I was walking to class. I saw one in the grocery store. I saw one when I was crossing the street to football stadium going to practice. It was like a spaceship had come down to earth, depositing them to take over the planet!
But I now realize they were ALWAYS there before. It was just that I didn’t notice them or didn’t think to look for them. They weren’t in my consciousness, so I had no real reason to notice them.
So, the question then is, “Where are you directing your attention? What are you looking for?”
I once had a teacher tell me, "If you are going to fantasize, you might as well win."
True life-champions understand this.
So, where can you place your focus today? What are the positive aspects of your life that you can “look” for that support your hopes and dreams so you can “find” them?
How can you accelerate the manifestation of your desires simply by where you place your positive attention and intention?
Because what you're looking for, you'll usually see.
Chris Natzke
Black Belt Leadership Speaking & Coaching
PS: If you are looking to experience your own breakthrough, download a FREE introductory chapter of my new book, #1 Amazon best-seller, BREAKING THROUGH, by texting “breakthrough” to 720-741-6263.
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