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What You're Looking For, You'll Usually See

Apr 02, 2023

“We’ve got to remember that we get whatever we focus on in life. If we keep focusing on what we don’t want, we’ll have more of it. The first step to creating any change is deciding what you do want so that you have something to move toward.”

                                                                                    - Tony Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within


Champions, whether it be in sports, business or in life, understand one very simple concept - what we focus on expands.  


Think about a vision you have for your life and/or your business. 


When you focus on the things that empower you on your journey to achieving your dream, the things that excite you and feed your soul on your quest, you usually experience people or circumstances that support you on your path.


Conversely, when you just focus on the challenges of your situation and the obstacles you encounter while on your quest, you probably see more of those situations show up.  


To be clear, I am not advocating we put our "heads in the sand" and ignore our challenges or pretend they are not there. 


On the contrary, I am suggesting we identify our empowering circumstances, as well as our challenges, and embrace them both by realizing how they are each there to serve us, remembering, once again, what we focus on expands.



Think of it this way.  Have you ever wanted a new car?  


I am not talking just about one that runs, but actually the specific make, model and color of a car you desire. 


Once you have determined this, have you then noticed you began seeing them all over the road (or if not on the road, then on television, in magazines or online)?


Of course, most of us have.  This phenomenon rests in the part of the brain called the Reticular Activating System (RAS). 


The RAS is often compared to a nightclub bouncer that works for your brain.  It ensures that your brain doesn't have to deal with more information than it can handle.  Therefore, when you establish an intention, be it positive or negative, the brain filters the massive amounts of stimuli of your environment to make sure you are just focusing on what is important to you.


I once had a teacher tell me,


"If you are going to fantasize, you might as well win."


Champions in athletics, business and life understand this. 


So, what can you focus on today to accelerate the manifestation of what you desire?


Here are three tips to focus your attention on to ensure what you actually want comes towards you, simply be adjusting your attention, getting clear on your intention and getting moving.


1) Be Present – This may be the simplest, but also the most challenging in our world of numerous distractions.


Take time to slow down and get present to what is. 


Notice what is going on around you.  Notice your breath, the sensations in your body.  Consciously notice the thoughts that are parading through your mind and choose whether they are something you want to influence you, or not.


2) Be Intentional – From this place of presence, get clear and about what you really want and intend it into being in your life as if it already is. Create the mental image in your mind about what the experience of already having it would look like, feel like and even smell like.


Get immersed in the feeling already having it, rather than an intense wanting of it.  Refrain from doing this from a perspective of lack or that you may be missing out on something. 


Rather, focus on what having this experience would do to make you a better and more expanded version of you and assist you in doing your work, enjoying your life or serving others. 


3) Be Proactive – From this place of presence and intentionality, now it is time to take action. While “massive action” can at times be very appropriate, I have found that taking even the smallest of steps, on a consistent and daily basis, can be much more effective than starting off like being “shot out of a cannon” and then losing momentum after a few days.


I usually find that when I get into action, I begin to “see” opportunities that I never noticed before.  I will look at something that I had seen a number of times before in a new and more expansive way. 


The funny thing is the “thing” or situation didn’t change at all.  The change occurred in me, because changed my perspective and took action from this new way of being


So, there you have it, my friend.  What steps are you willing to take to create what you want.  What are you willing to do to change your perspective make the positive changes in your life to attract to you want you want to experience?


Remember, it all starts with us; because what we’re looking for, we'll usually see.


Chris Natzke

Black Belt Leadership Speaking & Coaching


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