“Don’t chase after success, chase after capability. If you are capable of anything, then success will be chasing you.”
- Meme
I love the distinction from my good friend, Kelly Anne Zielinski, CEO of Self Leadership Global, often shares, “It is much more effective to hold someone capable, than to hold them accountable.”
In studying attributes of success in the world of leadership, the concept of accountability is often identified for its importance and effectiveness. Taking personal accountability for the choices we make, the actions we take and the results we achieve is a critical attribute of anyone looking to work as an effective leader.
However, when working with others in a leadership or coaching role, I have often found that “holding someone accountable” may not be the most effective way of inspiring and guiding them to achieve the results they desire.
Accountability can at times come across as judgmental, pressuring and even punitive. As a result, holding someone “accountable” can actually be counter-productive in guiding others to achieve the results they desire. A negative connotation to the word can exist that inevitably creates separation between the leader and those who they are mentoring.
When one feels that a person they respect sees potential greatness in them and is willing to hold them to that standard, it can be a great motivator for them to show their best. In this way, they are coming from a place of empowerment and possibility rather than simply committing to an activity to avoid the risk of disappointing themselves and their mentor if they fail to complete their assigned task.
To be clear, I am not suggesting that if a person does something wrong against another or society, that they should not be held accountable for their actions. What I am suggesting is that inspiring and motivating others, helping them to realize and embrace their vast potential and having them take action from that point is a much more effective way of producing results.
Pondering this concept made me think about the many youth I have been blessed to teach throughout the years. I know that both as a father and a martial arts instructor there have been times that I have taught, guided and disciplined my sons and students using the concept of accountability. Sometimes it was effective, however, many other times it landed far short of its intended result, leading to disappointment and frustration on both of our behalves.
What seemed to work best was I was enrolling them in their capacity for being empowered, proactive and responsible and then guiding them in a plan to achieve their desired results. When they fully embraced their capabilities to make impactful decisions and take empowered action, they were much more intentional in completing the tasks and projects or showing up in a way that was reflective of those empowered ways of being.
In essence, what has come clear to me is this………
Whether its parenting, coaching or mentoring, here are four things we can focus on when holding others capable.
Certainly, role modeling effective behavior is a critical element of an effective leader. If those you lead can effectively relate to you, that’s great. However, if there seems to be too great of a gap between you and those you are mentoring because of your age or status, ask them how a person with whom they may relate more closely (a peer, a sibling, a teammate) would show up being and what actions they would take to move towards their intended desire.
This week I challenge all of us to find someone (maybe even ourselves) that we can help to hold capable versus accountable and watch how developing a more confident and vision focused person can lead to breakthrough results.
Chris Natzke
Black Belt Leadership Speaking & Coaching
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