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How Leaders Transform "Have To's" into "Get To's"

Jan 20, 2025

"The smallest change in perspective can transform a life. What tiny attitude adjustment might turn your world around?"
                                                                                                                         – Oprah Winfrey


I am continually amazed by how the smallest shifts in our perspective can have profound effects on our lives. Whether we're facing challenges or standing at the crossroads of something new, often it’s not the situation itself that holds us back – it’s our view of it. By changing our perspective, we can dissolve worry and negativity and open ourselves to new opportunities.


A few years ago, I found myself in a situation I never expected: divorced, navigating life as a single dad, and raising my 13-year-old son, Jason, mostly on my own. My former wife had moved to Hawaii, leaving Jason and me to build a new life with just the two of us in Denver.


Jason was – and still is – an incredible son. Despite all the upheaval, he adapted quickly, excelling in school, staying happy, and being my best friend as we both adjusted to our new reality. But let’s face it – no matter how great things may seem on the surface, there are always challenges.


For me, the biggest challenge was the pressure of being the sole parent responsible for everything: driving Jason to school, picking him up, ferrying him to extracurriculars, appointments, and even his first dates.


There were days I found myself feeling exhausted, grumpy, and frankly, a bit resentful. One afternoon, while waiting in the high school parking lot for Jason to finish his day, I vented to my friend, Tom.


"Tom," I said, "this really sucks. My whole day feels like I’m just a chauffeur. I drive Jason to school, pick him up, take him to his activities. I even have to take him to his ‘little dates.’ It feels like I’m living in my car!"


After a long pause, Tom shared some words of wisdom that hit me like a ton of bricks:


"Remember, Chris, you don’t HAVE TO take him to school; you GET TO take him to school."


A heavy silence fell between us. At first, I resisted, frustrated that my "pity party" wasn’t being validated. But then it hit me – Tom was right. I didn’t have to take Jason to school, I got to.



I was privileged to have this time with him. The alternative was that he could’ve been living across the world with his mom, and I would have missed these simple, yet invaluable moments. Soon enough, Jason would have his driver’s license, and these moments would fade away.


The shift in perspective transformed my entire experience. Suddenly, what felt like a burden became a gift. I wasn’t just getting through my days – I was cherishing them.


This shift didn’t just apply to being a single dad. It applies to everything in life.

  • I don’t have to eat healthy; I get to nourish my body.
  • I don’t have to exercise; I get to move my body in ways that energize and strengthen me.
  • I don’t have to work; I get to experience a career that challenges and rewards me.
  • I don’t have to ____________; I get to _____________.


The truth is, we have the power to transform our lives by shifting our perceptions. Often, we find ourselves stuck in frustration because we focus on what we “have to” do. But when we recognize the privilege in the tasks we undertake, everything changes.


That’s why I created the Breaking Through Coaching Program – to help you experience these breakthroughs in your own life. Sometimes, we just need a little shift in perspective to begin creating the life we really want.


If you're ready to break through what's holding you back and start seeing the "get to's" in your life, I invite you to schedule a FREE 30-minute discovery call with me. Let's explore how this simple change in perspective can completely transform your approach to leadership, business, and life.


Click here to schedule your call today!


This week, I challenge you to pay attention to your opportunities for simple, yet profound shifts in perspective. When you feel overwhelmed, frustrated, or stuck, ask yourself: How can I shift my perception to see this differently?


Remember, we don’t have to live our lives – we get to live them.


Here’s to your breakthrough moment,


Chris Natzke
Master Coach | Black Belt Leadership Speaking & Coaching

PS: If you're ready to make your next move and fully step into your leadership potential, I encourage you to take the next step by scheduling a discovery call. Together, we'll dive into what you want to achieve and how the Breaking Through Coaching Program can help you get there. Book your call now!


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