"Making a choice that is one percent better or one percent worse seems insignificant in the moment, but over the span of moments that make up a lifetime these choices determine between who you are and who you could be. Success is a product of daily habits - not once-in-a-lifetime transformations."
- James Clear, author, Atomic Habits
It is once again the beginning of a new year, and many of us have great aspirations for making monumental improvements in various aspects of our lives.
This is usually the time of year when we set intentions for improving our health (usually in the way of releasing weight or improving our diets and/or exercise habits), our careers, our relationships and/or financial standing.
Having a clear vision on where we want to go is integral to the attainment of any worthy vision. However, what gets most of us off track is not just lack of clarity for where we want to go, but also inconsistent effort in acting upon the strategies and disciplines required to achieve what we desire.
Oftentimes, we are inspired to take massive action on attaining our desired outcome, only to move off course when we get distracted or our journey becomes difficult.
Invariably, those who attain massive results do not do so by maintaining a pace of extraordinary action, but rather have healthy and consistent habits in place in their everyday lives that compound and take them to their desired outcome.
As author, James Clear shares in his book, Atomic Habits: A simple 1% improvement each day will net the following results over time.
While positive habits over time net outstanding results, the converse is true for being off course through negative habits compounded over time. Just being slightly off course can net life changing negative results.
Consider this: A commercial airliner leaving Los Angeles on its way to Honolulu takes off and the pilot inadvertently sets the course off by only 1 degree south. The compounded impact of just being one degree off course over the 2,479 mile, 5-hour plane trip would probably land the plane in Auckland, New Zealand (Ok, I can’t prove that navigationally, but you get the point).
In more practical terms; it’s not one donut, one cigarette or one sugary soft drink that negatively impacts us. It is that one donut, cigarette or soft drink consumed daily (sometimes multiple times per day) over weeks, months and years that can have the compounded negative impact on our health.
Once again, habits (whether healthy or unhealthy) don’t add up, they compound.
So, how can we implement positive habits into our lives, so we can experience our desired results by year's end and beyond? Well, here are five strategies I use in my own life and with coaching clients that can serve to establish those transformational habits and allow them to compound in your life.
This week, I challenge all of us to identify at least one positive habit we would like enact consistently in our lives. Think simple, think small, think consistent and watch how the practice of habits compound to transform your life.
Chris Natzke
Black Belt Leadership Speaking & Coaching
PS: I you are looking to create healthy habits to make your visions a reality in 2024, click here to learn more about my Breaking Through Coaching Program !
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