“Most dying people regret not the things they did but the things they didn’t do.”
– Olga Rickards
If you are like me, the end of the year is a time of reflection of what was completed and experienced over the past 12 months and what is to be pursued and created in the upcoming year.
Many times, the pursuits we are inspired to embark upon in the new year get quickly put to rest by our fear of possible failure. This is especially true when we have the “evidence” of our past to rationalize our not taking risks. It is then easier to accept playing small, because although it is uncomfortable, it is safe.
However, what if we looked at things differently and asked ourselves another question,
This is a question asked frequently in the personal development and coaching world. I have asked many coaching clients (and myself) the same question, particularly when seeking to gain clarity of life purpose or what the next steps of one’s professional or personal lives are to be.
But what holds us back? Often it is the fact that we do not even allow ourselves to tap into our creative minds and dream about what we REALLY do want, much less take the actions to bring it into fruition.
Inspired by my good friend and speaker-extraordinaire, Craig Zablocki, who shares the following data with his audiences, I recently researched NASA’s Longitudinal Test of Creative Potential. In testing 1,600 subjects, the study found the following.
This means that by the time we reach adulthood, we are 96% less creative than when we were as kids. This begs the question, What happened and what can we do about it?
I believe what happened is we allow ourselves to stop dreaming because the experiences and influences of our life helped to shape and mold us into beings that were no longer willing to delve into our creative reservoirs and as a result, we lost access to these amazing gifts. An entire book could probably be written (and it probably has) on why this occurred. However, what is most helpful to us is identifying what we can do about it NOW.
With that said, here are four tips I have created to move into that creative self so that we can take action on what we really want to create in our lives.
This week (and this year) I challenge all of us to step into something B.I.G. What is it you have always dreamed of doing, but were afraid to take action on? What is it you dream about but push aside because it might not turn out as you have imagined? What if even if things didn’t turn out like you planned, they were all perfect anyway, simply because you gave it your best shot and leaned along the way? What if the greatest gift wasn’t the end result, but who you became along the way?
What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?
Chris Natzke
Black Belt Leadership Speaking & Coaching
PS: I you are looking to get started on your move to Excellence in 2020, click here to learn more about my 7 Magic Questions to Ask Yourself to Create an Amazing Year.
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