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Just One Push-Up, One Sit-Up and One Jumping Jack

Apr 16, 2023

“Success isn’t always about greatness.  It’s about consistency.  Consistent hard work leads to success.  Greatness will come.”

                                                                                             -  Dwyane Johnson


As I was hesitating to begin my daily mini-exercise routine this morning because I felt tired and sorry for myself, I was reminded of a story I heard many years ago.   


An elderly man who seemed to defy aging walked into a gym. 


In his early nineties, he still possessed a strong and lean frame with a powerful chest and biceps and triceps a teenager would be jealous of. 


His legs and his back were as solid as tree trucks, yet flexible and supple.  A full, albeit thinning, head of white hair still donned his head, and he lived with a vibrancy of someone a fifth his age with a bright smile and a twinkle in his steely blue eyes.


When asked what his secret was for his amazing physical vitality, he matter-of-factly stated,


"I made a promise to myself over 70 years ago that each day I would do at least one push-up, one sit-up and one jumping jack."  


The questioner looked puzzled, and the old man continued,


"I knew that first one was always the hardest, but if I could get myself going, the rest would be easier." 




Choosing not to take the first step due to fear or feeling uncomfortable is what prevents many of us from ever truly realizing our dreams.


Today, what is one step you can take to make your dreams closer to reality? 


Is it one phone call? 


Is it one conversation?


Is it one healthy meal?


Is it typing one sentence in that book you've always dreamed of writing? 


What is the one action step you can take TODAY?


As a good friend's father once told him, when as a punky teenager my friend teased his middle-aged dad about not being able to do as many of his daily push-ups as he once could, 


"Son, a little bit of something is better than a lot of nothing."


Take that ONE step today!


Chris Natzke                                                                                                        

Black Belt Leadership Speaking & Coaching

PS:  If you don’t know where to start in taking that first step to breakthrough, check out my Breaking Through Online Course.


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